How Safe is Your USB Flash Drive?
The properties that make USB flash drives portable and enable them to connect to networks also make them vulnerable to security breaches.
The properties that make USB flash drives portable and enable them to connect to networks also make them vulnerable to security breaches.
With the ease of data transportability provided by a USB flash drive comes the ease with which a data breach can occur. Are you at risk?
In this new work-from-home era created by a global pandemic, the cybersecurity dangers associated with portable media are growing exponentially.
Data breaches related to USB drives and other peripheral devices are on the rise. In fact, insider threats are one of the leading cause of data breaches.
Without effective USB port security, every USB port in your data network or information system is an open invitation to malware, ransomware, and viruses.
Widespread are the daily breaches in which authorized personnel thoughtlessly charge or sync their personal mobile device through a USB port at work.
The mystery of cyber warfare is that many of the most impactful attacks came not through the Web or the cloud, but rather through the humble thumb drive.
Chilling research has demonstrated that even the best-intentioned workers don’t hesitate to connect personal devices to the data system at work.